Thursday, February 12, 2009


How would you feel if your parent or parents were alcoholics and chose drinking over you? They go out partying every night or they bring it to your house were you are trying to do work. then, when you finally get sleep(if at all) you wake up late and realise that they left the mess for you to clean up. this is how Claude lives in the book Buried by Robin Merrow MacCready.

Her mother is a hard core alcoholic and has always chosen alcohol over her daughter. Can you imagine that? there was a time when Claude was in second grade and got a temperature of 110 and when the school called her mom she showed up eventually and the nurse said something about hygiene and she went off and took Claude home. Later that night Claude's mom was crying saying she cant do this... she cant be a mother and she doesn't want this. Guess who had to play parent? yes, Claude did. That must suck for a girl in the second grade.

Really, it must suck for anyone to have a parent choose anything over there child. Especially if its something like alcohol or drugs.